Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Guilty pleasure

I have an admission to make. I am a sucker for old-fashioned American stories about big families with little money. I'm talking about books like the Little House series, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, to name a few.

Very plain plotlines, the day-to-day lives of plucky villagers provides enough content. These books don't need flashy adventures or exciting new developments; they focus on simple characters who are always good, but not perfect, and how they grow up. It's the little things in life that keep us happy, and these stories reflect this; a comforting reflection that ordinary life is interesting enough. People each go through their individual dramas and have their share of trouble, but its nothing different or special.

This may sound incredibly boring, but instead I find them familiar and simply provide pure entertainment. They remind me that, if my own life were a book, it would not be a fantasy, or a thriller. I hope it would be the English equivalent of these.

These books emphasise the importance of less glamorous values and ideals; they do not dissuade ambition, but instead advocate hard work to realise your dreams, and when they are reached, to appreciate them.

In a society where people are getting further apart, choosing to communicate online rather than face to face (I'm proving my point by writing this on a blog) they focus on close relationships with family, friends,  and neighbours.

It might be far from fashionable, and it won't make you think for days afterwards, but some books should simply bring you joy, and inspire you to live in a certain way, rather than dazzle you.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


There was a book before the film (of course there was!) called the Dark Fields, by Alan Glynn. I want to read this now. For those of you who don't know, it concerns a wonder drug which allows your brain to tap into all that potential that don't normally have access to. On it, you can see more, do more, and understand and pull together all the random bits of information that we assimilate on a daily basis. With the drug you can actually use this experience. Unfortunately, it comes with side effects, and the film follows a guy who is introduced and seduced by an opportunity which quickly leads to addiction.

It makes you wonder if we would all be better version of ourselves, improved people, if we were constantly on this drug? Apart from the negative consequences of regularly using the drug, and the issue of supply not being able to keep up with desperate demand, I think it might be too good to be true.

If we were as good as we could be, constantly, there would be nothing to reach for and nothing left to achieve. The problem with reaching your potential is that once you've done that, you are left with the big 'what next?'

Living with limits is our reality. The boundaries to what we can do are not only there as a safety mechanism to protect us, they are there because the wonder of humanity is that we will never be all that we can be. The point is we have to choose, we have to allocate our time and our energy into certain pursuits and leave others. If we could do everything we ever wanted to do, would we want to do anything at all?

I have a feeling that we would get bored and apathetic pretty quickly once the novelty had worn off. At the moment, we are very rarely satisfied, and that is an essential part of human nature- that we continue striving, and struggling, pushing ourselves onwards- we progress.

Having it all at once would immeadiately render this void, leaving us without meaning. You can get too much of a good thing.

Will post again with my thoughts when I get my hands on the book!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Who wants to live forever?

Just finished reading Trouble with Lichen, by John Wyndham, which considers the practical consequences and effects that would come from discovering a way to significantly prolong life. Again, his books take a slightly different stance from the one I expect, and in this case it is probably because most people cannot get past the initial shock and judgement about extended life to properly consider how it would change society, and the different benefits that it could bring.

People split into two camps; those who think it is a great thing, and those who think it is terrible. There are few who would remain ambivalent in the face of such a large change, although the way our health care is advancing, we are aleady slowly and gradually pushing the limits of 'natural' age.

One of the central characters suggests that the extra time could allow humanity to develop solutions to the many problems we currently face, and could even increase the level of equality between the sexes. She argues that, by directly facing the consequences of our actions, and not just knowing that what we do will negatively impact some abstract future, we will be more involved and motivated to stop harming ouselves and this world and instead spend our time thinking about how to improve things.

While this has some logic to it, I'm not sure whether I'm convinced. Of course some people would realise that they must change their behaviour immediately in order to ensure their continued survival and happiness, but some people already do that. Whether enough people would realise, and change, in time to save ourselves, is a different story.

People are already faced with consequences in our current short(er) lifetimes. We still mainly ignore them, and carry on doing whatever we want, with little heed to the future. Humanity seems to be stubbornly disinclined to plan and act for long-term gratification, even though this is one of the things which is meant to seperate us from other animals, and from small children.

So, although it demonstrates the lack of faith I have in human kind, I am not sure that the clear-thinking minority could override tradition, ignorance, and reluctance to any kind of change. Additionally, for certain individuals at least, the amound of damage they could inflict over a lifetime would be expanded, leading to more for those with hope and forward thinking to repair.

Thankfully, there hasn't been such a discovery so far. I think we would misuse and abuse any extra time we were afforded, and so am firmly in the 'it's unnatural!' opposition camp. I don't think longer lives would help us to lead better, or happier lives, and the problems surrounding a longer-living race are so large as to overwhelm any benefit of the scientific progress.

What do you think?

Monday, 17 October 2011

One Day

Spoiler alert- although I'm pretty sure I must be the last person to read this.

So I finally got to read it! Definitely better than the film, what a surprise. The book has enough time to go into depth into each of the years they spend together, or apart. It allows a greater understanding of minor characters, and there is something about a lack of pictures that gives far more imagination, generally leading to a closer empathy with the characters and comprehension of their situations.

It is also much sadder, and the bit where Emma dies is far less predictable. Words can creep up on you in a way that a visual narrative can never achieve. It almost made me cry, but unfortunately I had to change trains at a pivotal point, which spoiled the illusion of the book somewhat.

The switching between the two viewpoints is also more interesting as you have direct access to the characters' thoughts, again bringing you closer to the story.

I like the way that Emma and Dex start from two very different perspectives and attitudes towards life, and slowly merge together. Additionally, it clearly demonstrates the different types of heartache that people can experience; whether it is as deep and cutting as the death of a family member, feeling stuck with the wrong person, or just not being good enough.

All in all, a very good book, and worth all the hype, although probably not on my top ten.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

It's library day!

& I bet you all can't wait to hear what I got...

The Memory Artists- Jeffrey Moore
The Trouble with Lichen- John Wyndham (the kraken didn't put me off enough to stop reading him)
Tono-Bungay- H.G.Wells
A Thousand Splendid Suns- Khaled Hosseini (thought it was about time I read this)

I'm getting One Day at the weekend as well, so will be booked up (haha) for the forseeable future!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Thoughts on Google and the end of the world

I know this isn't a book, but check out this article in the London Review of Books. It's about the domination of Google, and how it's feedback system allows it to become more and more intelligent every time we use it. Since I use Google a lot, in a work capacity as well as just random searches, it's really made me think about what a powerful tool it is, and how impossible life would be now if it were suddenly removed. It also holds some lessons for our own mental wellbeing; everytime we click on a link that is below the number one spot, we are showing Google that it got the ranking wrong, and it needs to readjust the information it provides us with. Instead of facing this criticism with sulking, defensiveness or a drop in self confidence, Google learns from the experience. Without these criticisms, it could never have become as intelligent as it is now. All feedback is useful. Everything we experience can teach us something, even if its something which we feel threatened by.

On an entirely unrelated note, I finished the Kraken Wakes. I have to say I didn't like it as much as I mostly like his books, and found it a bit disappointing. The book focuses on the (admittedly more realistic) element of how humanity would react if there was really an alien invasion. We would be confused, and very slow to react, and react badly, and turn on each other. However the despondent atmosphere makes it hard to enjoy. The slow, bleak loss of hope is probably a more truthful portrayal of the end of the world, however much we (or just me?) like the drama of one final battle, with blazing emotions, and devastating losses. The monotony that uncertainty and futility would create is far more depressing than some grand sacrifice, or bittersweet victory. I read the whole thing waiting for something to happen, and by the time you realise that this is all there is, there has been nothing but emptiness for so long there are no contrasts left. Its why I didn't like The Road, even though again, I understand that that is the whole point; the desolation of the circumstances is reflected in a tedious narrative where nothign happens, and all emotions are numbed.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Manchester Literature Festival

The 6th annual Manchester Literature Festival is running from the 10th till the 23rd of October, and I for one am very excited. Guest authors include Alan Hollinghurst, Anthony Horowitz and Francesca Simon and events range from discussions about books, writing competitions, afternoon tea with prices ranging from free to an affordable £10. A diverse range of backgrounds lends a variety to the exhibitions, including the Cuban poet Victor Rodriguez Nunez and Argentinian photographer Daniel Mordzinsk.

The event covers so much more than just reading as well, as you can see performance poetry, quizzes, dancing, pub walks, storytelling and music. Booking is recommended for certain events as they are sure to sold out, and they are taking place all over the city; so there's no excuse not to go to something! Check out the website to see if your favourite authors will be there, or go along and get inspired by someone new. Pick up a few tips about how to write your own stories, or listen to some analysis and really understand a work of literature.

Events on my to-see list;
  • Crime in a Cold Climate- conversation from some of the leading authors of Nordic crime writing, the newest craze following on the success of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
  • Face 2 Face with Stephen Butchard- a great new screenwriter for the BBC
  • Prize culture- a debate on a culture that demands rewards
  • Manchester blog awards
  • At least one of the poetry slams!
You can pick up a brochure at any of Manchester's libraries.