Sunday 12 June 2011

The author awakens

I'm going to write a book. I realise that this sort of sweeping statement is usually supported by an idea, a plan, some sort of concept; not me. Its just that recently I was struck with this thought. It hit me when I was settling down to relax with Anne of Avonlea (the sequel, because I've read the first one too many times). I am embarrassed to admit this. If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about then that's probably a blessing, but the title shows just how twee the book is. Anyway I love the series, have done since I was a little girl, and as I started reading I realised that I wanted to write a book. Not anything like the one I had in my hands, but hopefully one I would enjoy as much.

The idea of writing a book has always been a vague ambition of mine, but only lurking in the back of my mind, and has never translated into actual action. This time I've started to scribble ideas down, and the more I think about it, the more I want to do it.

I'm grateful for any tips you can offer, or similar experiences you are willing to share. My current list of writing essentials includes;
  • someone you trust to discuss ideas with, without them laughing 
  • pen and paper (as wonderful as technology is, there's nothing quite like writing till your hand aches when you have an exciting idea)
  • being open to changing your mind
  • an idea you really believe in
  • limited expectations (not being a perfectionist, I have no pressure for this to be published, or very good, or even finished. It's just something I want to do for fun. I can always try again, so I have nothing to lose.)


  1. Good luck with it :) I'd love to see whatever you come up with!

  2. Thanks ali :D i'll keep you posted

  3. me too! I also want to write a book one day!
