Tuesday 31 July 2012

Tyrion & Danerys

Before anyone comments, yes I am aware that I have become just a little Game of Thrones obsessed. Let's just say I jumped on the bandwagon a little late and am now making the most of it!

Having just finished the second book (anyone got the third one? please!) and first series, I wanted to do a little recap of my favourite characters. There are obviously plenty to choose from, and they differ slightly from book to box, but the Imp and the Mother of Dragons remain two amazing personalities; here's why I love them.

Danerys goes through such a journey; she starts as a child living in fear of her brother and just transforms as the story unfolds. I really like how this childish innocence doesn't complete disappear as she grows wiser and stronger; she still makes mistakes, is still unsure of what to do. But she knows what she wants and has an incredible determination to achieve her goals, despite considerable heartache and danger.

Tyrion is also an incredible character. He's intelligent, funny, playful and doesn't take himself too seriously. He is honest and upfront about his treachery, and manages to run rings around his family in their plots and schemes. His affection for the underdog (Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Shae) demonstrates a kindness you would not expect from someone so ready to do whatever is necessary to manage the kingdom in the best way he can.

Although I have heard many mutterings of people dying, I'm really hoping these two stay alive for a good while yet; they are undoubtedly the best.

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