Friday 29 June 2012

Kings and queens and feminism

I finished the first book of Game of Thrones eeh. It's been a while (well maybe a few months) since there's been a series that everyone around me is reading and I needed to hop on the bandwagon. I liked the first book, a bit complicated, but in that it-isnt-a-proper-fantasy-novel-without-at-least-ten-main-characters kind of way. Looking forward to the rest! And the TV show I can now watch in peace. One criticism with multi-character books which I have probably already mentioned, is that you always have favourites. You always have chapters you can't wait to read, and others you wish would just disappear for a while. Not everyone can have the best plotlines all the time and some characters you just connect with more than others, so its an unavoidable problem, but sadly one which only gets worse the longer the book is.

However, I did finish the book a little early, leaving a whole bookless train ride looming, and only Birdsong for company. Not very happy with that idea I decided to be spontaneous and actually buy a book! It's How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran, I'd heard a few good things and various reviews with 'You must read this now' kind of thing. It was good. Interesting and brutally honest and laugh-out-loud-on-public-transport funny. She has some very strong opinions, and while I obviously don't agree with them all, it's very refreshing to read/see/hear of a woman with such public opinions on a range of important issues. It kind of made me want to take to the streets and join a protest, so I think it's achieved its aim as well. It also made me think that I could, and really should, write more. When I read some of the things she writes, it just reminds me that I have so many thoughts like this. I have all these eloquent sentences trapped in my head that I want to write down. It's an internal narration of my life.


  1. I've just finished Birdsong! We are reading it at the Embassy book club. What do you think?

  2. Did you like it? I'm really struggling! Nothing fun ever seems to happen, I find it very dreary.

  3. On the contrary! I raced through it, although I have a tendency to like stories about that era. Things certainly happen in it although the First World War doesn't break out for a while, I admit.
