Tuesday 6 November 2012


I heard about NaNoWriMo five days too late, although I don't have anything planned to the stage where I could start immediately anyway. It's a shame because it seems like a great campaign, to help and support writers to write 50,000 words in thirty days - a novel in a month. It also fits in very nicely with the 30 days to a first draft excerpt I've been reading; a month to plan and a month to write. All sounds very structured and quick and easy, although I'm sure it's not. Anyway, I've been following people's progress on their own books and trying to soak up as much advice as possible. The main thing I seem to have found is: Write every day, don't worry about the quality of the work - that comes later - just write. Perhaps I will wait till next year to start, or maybe just December. I'm working on an idea, and hopefully soon I will be at a stage of preparation where I am ready to just write.

On a brief note from Sweden, all my holiday reads were great. Well, apart from Written on the Body which was a bit too love sick for me, and seems to have the potential to irritate people both in and out of relationships. But Eat Pray Love I really, really enjoyed and the Snow Child was just as perfect as I imagined it to be. Perks of Being a Wallflower was also very good, but the film adaptation I'd seen was very true to the book, so it was probably a bit too soon to truly appreciate it.

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