Tuesday 16 August 2011

The more the merrier

So you may have noticed I like to be reading multiple books at the same time- there's usually one or two that I've started but not got back to for a while, books which take much longer to read, and a stream of books that are so quick to read they're constantly changing.

The benefits of this approach include having a book to suit every occasion. There's at-home books, too big to carry about with you, there's my e-reader which is a must for train journeys, books in my desk drawer to read at lunch at work, books at my mum's house for when I visit, books to re-read when only something familiarly brilliant will do.

If one of these categories is missing a current book, I can just start another one. Or if I get bored of a book, I can switch. The extra books provide a great variety of different topics to choose from, so whatever mood strikes me, there's a book to fit that.

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