Saturday 2 July 2011

Some news

From Thursday till the 14th July the London Literature Festival is running; those lucky enough to go will get to see some amazing authors, such as Philip Pullman, Michael Morpurgo, and many more. Events include creative writing workshops, discussions of new books and talks from authors. Get tickets here.

Also going on in the world of words, there's a new magazine out, called 'We Love This Book', which has a good mix of reviews, comments on different genres, a desert island book interview as well as short stories. Have a look, let me know what you think.

Finally, not so literary, but extremely cool is Stylist Magazine. Its been around for a couple of years now, and is distributed free in the country's biggest cities. It manages to balance hard hitting journalism about topics that really matter, with pretty materialism and recommendations on how to have the best time. Particular highlights include the career section, which follows a 'day in the life of' a different job each week. Stylist delivers the unexpected, which in my opinion sets it apart from other women's weeklies. There's also Shortlist Magazine for men, which I have also read and enjoyed.

A new book to look out for is The Psychopath Test, by Jon Ronson, which investigates psycopathism and how it may be diagnosed. Sounds interesting!

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